
Date Added Content Link Reason Details
03.08.2025 MalDevAcademy DMCA Publicly Available Material DMCA

MalDevAcademy DMCA

This resource contains educational materials about malware development techniques that are originally published under open-source licenses or were available in the public domain prior. One or more of these materials were subsequently repackaged and sold commercially. The exact materials are unknown aside from one attributed and now unavailable item (Shellcode Obfuscation; See Bottom of Resource)

The content includes an implementation for shellcode obfuscation (attributed), process ghosting, process injection, metadata modification, and evasion techniques that are widely documented in academic and security research contexts. None of the materials contain proprietary information.

Note: Only one item was attributable to MalDevAcademy, the shellcode obfuscation method. There may be additional items that were part of their DMCA request, but those are unknown. DMCA'ing an impractical shellcode obfuscation is strange, but not unlike course dropshippers.

Malware Development Process Ghosting Process Injection Security Research Shellcode Obfuscation

Original Publication(s): Multiple public forums and git repositories (2018-2023)

Originator Affected:

Size: 96KB (uncompressed)

Format: Rust partial source code via leaked git diff

Last Updated: 03.08.2025